Hair Treatment

Things you must not do right after getting a Keratin Hair Treatment

By November 20, 2019 No Comments
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Smoothening your tangles and minimizing hair fall is the biggest matter of concern for women nowadays. With the advancement of technology, the market is flooded with solutions to get rid of all their hair-related worries in a flash! One such concept is Keratin treatment which is alluring all noticeable salons in recent times.

However, as it turns out though there are a couple of things you need to take care of to avoid the blunders and enjoy maximum benefits that come with the treatment.

So without further ado, let’s dive into the list of don’ts post a freshly baked Keratin Hair Treatment.

Do not use a non-professional shampoo and conditioner

Choose your shampoo and conditioner wisely. Your keratinized hair needs gentle care to progressively make the treatment hold on for longer. Saying so, it is extremely important to use a professional shampoo and conditioner that replenish natural oils in your hair and scalp and preserves your keratin-treated hair. Avizano is one such brand that offers exclusive aftercare series; designed for everyday care of normal as well as coloured hair. With this you can put your regular hair products away for a few months as using salt-based shampoos will wash out your expensive treatment prematurely which is the last thing you want!

Do not keep washing your hair too frequently

Keratin treatments are bound to wash out gradually if followed by frequent hair washes. Try spraying dry shampoo on your roots on the days that you skip washing. This could be an alternative solution to maintain your keratin treatment for longer.

Do not overdo styling products

When your hair is already coated with keratin, do not overload it with a plethora of products like gel, mousse and hairspray. These products may cling on to your scalp, leave their residues behind and reduce the longevity of your treatment. We can feel your urge to tame your hair into the desired shape and style. However, the fewer products you use, the more are the chances of your keratin treatment stay fresh and strong.

Do not use hair bands, hair ties and hair oils immediately after

 Allow your keratin to blend in before you put things in your hair to tie it up. Using headbands and hair ties might settle your hair into that style which you may find hard to undo. Also, oils like coconut oil or jojoba oil nestle deep into your hair roots and follicles to provide moisture. While this is a good thing, the bad side of it is, you’ll need a lot of shampoos to wash them out which in turn makes the treatment fade away more quickly than it is supposed to.


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